An important development came in 1865 when Hudson Taylor founded the first "Faith Mission , "The China Inland Mission" which emphasised that God would supply the needs of the missionary through prayer. Naturally through other people but in a much less organised way than the other models, and in this one the missionary was responsible for their own support. Today organisations like Youth With a Mission (YWAM) build on the same principles.
The differences in how missionaries get paid seems to me to depend on where on this development scale their supporters are. Some examples:
- The couple we met in Encarnacion mentioned in the earlier post are supported from a few churches in an independent style. They get paid when and if the churches send money. This would be a faith mission style even though they're not associated with any organisation.
- A missionary family associated with the Methodist church are part of a missionary organisation, or society, but are themselves responsible for raising their support. Not totally independent, but with a lot of freedom their pay depends on maintaining relationships with their sponsoring churches.
- Our own denomination, Interact, has with over 100 years of experience developed another model. Missionaries together with Interact raise support in the churches and when the pre-set quota of support is reached, the missionary is sent out. During the contract period the organisation is responsible to pay a set wage and other costs and benefits. The missionary is responsible to maintain contact with the churches that are supporting him/her. In our case we have about 15 supporting churches which we have contact with each month.
- Our teacher friends mentioned in the earlier post were paid by their mission society but are now paid by the school, like the other national teachers. This we have also met with Brazilian missionaries working in Paraguay.
- A version of the above is the missionary that supports herself through a "normal" job, what is sometimes called "tent-making" because the apostle Paul worked at times like that.
So what model is the best one? Hard to say really, they all have pros and cons and depend a lot on how well the sending organisations work. As is most cases, we probably need all kinds!